You will now see your addons as unpacked folders containing their models and textures.

gma workshop files to your newly created folder and run Gmad - Easy Addon Extractor.exe. gma format, to unpack them you will need to create a new folder and place a copy of Gmad - Easy Addon Extractor.exe program and gmad.exe from Garry's Mod install folder. SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\workshop Unpacking Garry's Mod Addons While Source Film Maker workshop files will be at:

SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons Garry's Mod workshop files will be located at: For steam to start downloading the subscribed models you will need to start up the game, this is for both cases (Gmod/SFM). Facepunch/gmad: garrys mod addon creator and extractor github.